Management Services

Property Management
Our management team, with over 25 years of experience, is available to assist in all your management needs that may arise now and in the future. All Residential – Commercial – Industrial Properties of all sizes and situations. Below is a brief summary of our customized services:
Bookkeeping (monthly and annual financial reports, arrears, etc). Experienced bookkeepers and accountants on staff to answer any financial questions you may have.
Insurances- we shop around for the best coverage and competitive rates
Rent and Common Charge Collections
Lease Renewals
Condo and Co op welcoming packages, such as offering plans, by laws and house rules.
Court appearances
All of your staffing needs (custodians, attorneys, accountants, etc)
Hiring vendors (sewer cleanouts, electricians, plumbers, contractors, snow removal, landscapers, etc.)
All phases of security,
General maintenance to daily, weekly, and surprise audits, payroll, and all administrative work.
We make sure that your property is maintained not only to our standards but yours.
If you decide that you would like further information on our organization and would allow us to present our proposal, please feel free to contact us. We welcome the opportunity to see the property and speak with you.